Thriller - Michael Jackson November 30, 1982
Friday, November 30, 2012
It's close to miiiiidnight .... something evil's lurkin' in the daaark .. (hiccup) ... under the moooooonlight ... You see a sight that almost stops your hearrrrrt .... You try to screeeeeamm ..... But terror takes the sound before you make it ..... You start to freeeeezzze ...... As horror looks you right between the eyes, You're paralyyyzed ..... 'Cause this is thrillerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ...... Thriller night ... And no one's gonna save you From the beast about to strike ...... You know it's thrillerrrrrrrrrrrrr .... Thriller night .... You're fighting for your life Inside a .... Killer .... Thriller ....toniiiiiiiiiightttttt .... wohooo ... (hiccup) You hear the doooooor slam .... And realize there's nowhere left to ruuunn ... (hiccup) ... You feel the coooold hand ... And wonder if you'll ever see the suuunn .... You close your eyyyyes .... And hope that this is just ima-gi-nation ... Girrrrrl, but all the whiiiile .... You hear a creature creepin' up behiiiiindd .... You're outta time .... 'Cause this is thrillerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ..... Thriller night ... There ain't no second chance .... to fight the thing with the forty eyyyyes, girl .... Thrillerrrrrrrrrrrrr ... woohooo ..... Thriller night .... You're fighting for your life Inside a ...... killer ...... Thriller tonightttttt
On 30th November 1982, Michael Jackson’s sixth album Thriller was released .... and 30 years later .... it still remains the planet’s bestselling album of all time !! Today on its 30th anniversary, the internet has gone viral with reviews, reminiscences, and PhD worthy discourses of Thriller’s effect on popular culture .... after all, for an album that launched the MTV generation .... it equally holds the present YouTube generation in thrall !! Here is our tribute to the greatest thriller of all times ... the album Thriller ... and our favourite songs from the album :)
Thriller, the song is the seventh and final single from the album Thriller ... this funk disco song with its sound effects, such as a creaking door, thunder, feet walking on wooden planks, winds and real howling of a desert coyote ... with a Zombie – filled video, directed by John Landis ... and with a ghoulish voice over by horror film artist Vincent Price ... is like a visually and vocally animated Halloween story book !! According to The Telegraph’s columnist Marc Lee’s 2009 interview of music video director, John Landis ... The purpose of Thriller, in Landis's mind, was "to give Michael some balls". The female presence in Jackson's two previous videos was virtually zero, "so I said I want to get a pretty girl, and I want you to relate to each other sexually. And he went, 'OK.' "He was agreeable to everything, even when I wrote that line where he says to the girl, 'I'm not like other guys.' I warned him, 'Mike, this is a laugh line.' He said, 'Why?' And I said, 'Because, Michael, you are... unusual, and people will laugh and interpret it any way they want to.'" The next potential problem arose with Ola Ray, the actress Landis wanted to play Jackson's girlfriend. "We found out she had been a Playboy playmate. Oh, Jesus Christ! I went to Michael and told him and said, 'Can I hire her?' He said, 'Sure', though I don't think he even knew what I was talking about." ..... LOL ... Since premiering as a music video on MTV in December 1983, it's been referenced in films, TV shows, video games and many other venues ... it has thrilled choreographer and dance instructor Ines Markeljevic into organizing Thrill the World .... an annual worldwide simultaneous dance of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”, every October, since 2006 !!! ... on their YouTube website ... they have even posted instructional step by step videos on the Thriller dance !! ....
A prison in Cebu, Philippines became famous after releasing a YouTube video where its inmates reenacted and performed the "Thriller" dance under the supervision of jail warden Byron Garcia ... the video has garnered more than 50 million views !!
The zombie song-and-lurch remains as popular as ever because of a growing interest in learning the dance steps to perform at wedding receptions, school programs, civic flash mobs ... who can forget the Hulk ( Mark Ruffalo) and Electra’s ( Jennifer Garner ) thrilling sequence in the movie 13 going on 30 ??
(hiccup) She was more like a beauty queen ... from a movie scene ... ahh .. I said don't mind, but what do you mean I am the one ? .... (hiccup) Who will dance ... on the floor ... in the round .... (hiccup) She said I am the one ..... who will dance ... on the floor ... in the round ..... She told me her name was Billie Jean ..... As she caused a scene ..... Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of beiiiiing the one .... (hiccup)Who will dance ... on the floor .... in the round .... People always told me ... be careful of what you do ..... aah ... And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts .....heyyy ... And mother always told me .... be careful of who you love .... And be careful of what you do .... cause the lie becomes the truth ..... hey heyyyy .... Billie Jean is not my lover ..... (hiccup)She's just a girl ..... who claims that .... I am the one .... oh yayyyy ... But the kid is not my son .... owwwww ... (hiccup) She says I am the one .... oh yeahhhh .... but the kid is not my son ....
Billie Jean is the second single from the album Thriller .... This Dance-Pop R&B song was written and composed by Michael Jackson with his female fans in mind .... MJ was already a superstar and celebrity by this time and frequently faced delusional female fans like “Billie Jean” , an obsessive fan who alleges he has fathered her child in the lyrics .... There is hardly any music lover in the world that cannot recognize the song in the first four drum beats followed by that distinctive repetitive bass line .... laced with MJ’s signature vocal hiccups !!
Motown video : Moonwalks for the first time
On March 25, 1983, MJ performed "Billie Jean" to critical and popular acclaim .... Staged at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium, near Los Angeles, Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever was a celebration of Motown Records' twenty-fifth anniversary.... MJ wore black pants, leather penny loafers, a black sequin jacket, and a single white rhinestone glove .... To begin his performance, Jackson snapped a fedora hat to his head ... and struck a pose—his right hand on his hat and his left leg bent .... He then threw the hat aside and lip synced to "Billie Jean” ..... During a musical interlude, the singer executed a move which many claim to have sealed his status as a pop icon .... Jackson glided backwards to perform the moonwalk ...... before he spun on his heels and landed En Pointe on his toes ....... It was the first time Jackson had performed the moonwalk in public ..... he had practiced it in his kitchen prior to the show !!!!!
30th Anniversary concert , Live at Madison Square Garden, Sept 2001
MJ’s 30th Anniversary concert to celebrate his 30th year as a solo performer, in Madison Square Garden in 2001 : He walked onto the stage with a suitcase ... took out his black jacket with the white armband ... put on his black fedora .... and then his white rhinestone glove ....... the crowd went berserk .... then with one snap of his fingers the spotlight came on .... and though he had turned white and plastic by this time ..... Elizabeth Taylor and Macaulay Culkin approved from the sidelines .... and all that we know as classic MJ was recorded for posterity in this Billy Jean performance !!
And yesssss ... who can forget Scottish Bhangra group Tigerstyle's song called "Nachna Aunda Nei" .... a remix of "Billie Jean" and "Under Pressure" by Queen and David Bowie, featuring Kaka Bhaniawala with covering vocals ..... “Baanh farh ke nachan nu jee karda .... ki kariye ... nachna aunda nei “.... i want to hold your hands and dance .... but what to do ... i don’t know how to dance ... Michael Jackson Punjabi ishtyyyylleeee :D ... here are the complete lyrics if you are interested !!
Giddhe Vich Nachdiye Naare Ni, Sun Husan Diye Sarkaare Ni
Giddhe Vich Nachdiye Naare Ni, Sun Husan Diye Sarkaare Ni
Unjh Dil Taanh Nachda Naal Tere, Dil Taanh Nachda Naal Tere
Paavein Pabh Chakna Aunda Nayi...
Baanh Farh Ke Nachan Nu Jee Karda, Ki Kariye Nachna Aunda Nayi
Baanh Farh Ke Nachan Nu Jee Karda, Ki Kariye Nachna Aunda Nayi
Mehak Avve Teithon Chandan Di, Tere Naaga Varge Waal Kudhe
Tainu Vekh Ke Aini Khushi Hovey, Gedha De Ke Hoyu Ki Haal Kudhe?
Tu Te Vaang Shama De Baldi Ae, Vaang Shama De Baldi Ae
Saanu Tanh Machna Aunda Nayi!
Baanh Farh Ke Nachan Nu Jee Karda, Ki Kariye Nachna Aunda Nayi
Baanh Farh Ke Nachan Nu Jee Karda, Ki Kariye Nachna Aunda Nayi
Tere Nain Pehla Hi Kaatil Si, Pa Surma Kehar Gujare Ni
Saada Ang Ang Khid Da Haan Diye Jadh Lak Nu Jhoote Maare Ni
Dar Lagda Gussa Na Kar Javey, Dar Lagda Gussa Na Kar Javey
Haal Dil Da Dasna Aunda Nayi...
Baanh Farh Ke Nachan Nu Jee Karda, Ki Kariye Nachna Aunda Nayi
Baanh Farh Ke Nachan Nu Jee Karda, Ki Kariye Nachna Aunda Nayi
Oh Vekh Ni Konne De Vich Phullanwalia Jhaati Mar Reya
Tainu Khabar Nayi Jasveer Tere Ni Nakhre Kinjh Sahaar Reya
Gal Ched Layee Bhainiwalle Ne, Gal Ched Layee Bhainiwalle Ne...
Par Dil Vich Vasna Aunda Nayi!
Baanh Farh Ke Nachan Nu Jee Karda, Ki Kariye Nachna Aunda Nayi
Baanh Farh Ke Nachan Nu Jee Karda, Ki Kariye Nachna Aunda Nayi
Ki Kariye Nachna Aunda Nayi... Ki Kariye Nachna Aunda Nayi...
Baanh Farh Ke Nachan Nu Jee Karda, Ki Kariye Nachna Aunda Nayi
Baanh Farh Ke Nachan Nu Jee Karda, Ki Kariye Nachna Aunda Nayi
Btw, did you know that MJ had a pet tiger called Thriller ? .... we kid you not ... fellow passed away this June :(
MJ wrote four songs for Thriller, the album : "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'", "The Girl Is Mine", "Beat It" and "Billie Jean". Unlike many artists, he did not write these songs on paper ... Instead, he would dictate into a sound recorder .... and when recording he would sing from memory ... When the album's nine songs were completed, both Quincy Jones(producer) and MJ were unhappy with the result and remixed every song, spending a week on each .... In fact Billie Jean was mixed by audio engineer, Bruce Swedien, 91 times !! ... to create a drum sound that no one had ever heard before !!! ... MJ wanted to create an album where "every song was a killer," and developed Thriller with that in mind ... When Quincy Jones wanted to cut Billy Jean’s 29 second introduction .... which was the longest one ever created at the time ..... MJ insisted that it be kept .... "I said, 'Michael we've got to cut that intro'", Jones later recalled. "He said, 'But that's the jelly!' ... 'That's what makes me want to dance'. And when Michael Jackson tells you, 'That's what makes me want to dance', well, the rest of us just have to shut up.” – Quincy Jones / Wiki
Btw, did you know that there was a response song to MJ’s Billie Jean by Lydia Murdoch called “Superstar” ... where Lydia tells the story from Billie Jean’s point of view ?? ... we love itttt !!! ... though MJ is Mj :)
Though there are seven hit singles from the 9 song album ... Billie Jean and Thriller are our definite favs ... we know that many of you would argue on behalf of Beat It too ... but thats the thing ... with an album of this variety ... different folks will have different favs ... as for us at Delhi Style Blog ... we have been blaring Billie Jean, Nachna Aunda Nei and Thriller the whole day today ... maybe if we ever meet ... we will show you our special DS moves ...
Now is the time
For you and I to cuddle close together, yeah
All through the night
I'll save you from the terror on the screen
I'll make you see
'Cause this is thriller
Thriller night
Girl, I can thrill you more
Than any ghost would ever dare try
(Thriller night)
So let me hold you tight
And share a
(killer, thriller)
(Evil laugh) eh heh heh heh :D
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DeleteThis is a very well researched and well written post !!
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